The 7 Best Foods To Eat By Decade


Dairy Products

When you are 20-something, your bones are still growing. But once you hit the big 3-0, it stops. This is why your 20s are an extremely important to include calcium in your diet in order to build up bone strength. It is recommended that you get 1,000 mg of calcium everyday, and yogurt is perhaps the most ideal way to get it. Just limit your sugar intake by opting for plain, low fat yogurt. Sprinkling cheese onto salads and soups is also fine, but limit it to an ounce or two as cheese is high in fat (even low fat cheese can catch up to you if you eat it in large quantities). Aside from dairy products, Salmon is another great source of calcium. However, if you are a vegetarian or vegan, kale and tofu also have you covered.

Dairy Products

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