6 Interesting Facts about Penguins


Don’t Get Any Blood on That Tuxedo! Penguins Are Carnivores

Make no mistake, these cuddly-looking creatures are carnivores! This means that penguins eat only meat and no vegetables. Penguins survive on a diet of mostly fish. They also consume other marine animals, including squid and octopuses.

This diet is partly a result of the region of the Earth they inhabit. Nearly all penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere, and many live in the Antarctic where there is little to no vegetation. Although penguins are predators, they are also prey. Penguin chicks can be eaten by other birds when they are smaller and more vulnerable. Adult penguins can be preyed on by leopard seals and killer whales, or orcas.

Don’t Get Any Blood on That Tuxedo! Penguins Are Carnivores

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